Anyways, a third letter was written...this one sent to Osgoode Properties in Ottawa...head office. You can read the letter here

The Nasty Neighbors
Around the time of this third letter, the neighbors in 205 started fighting more and more. He would come home and find her with some guy and freak out calling her a "$unt" and "whore". He would literally kick the door. I had to call the cops on them in April. The cops just threw the guy out. They would continue to fight. One day while I was at work, Andrew said they were fighting and throwing things at each other. It's tough to sleep through that.
On April 29th the fighting was really bad again with slamming doors and name-calling and breaking glass noises. I called the police again. This time they were served with a ticket for noise violations. It turns out that they had smashed out their balcony window(s). I honestly can't understand why a rental company would allow people who disturb other residents to live in their building...especially since they are constantly blocking the hallways with stuff they find around the building and in the trash. Often there are bikes in the hallway too.
A bunch of us on our floor signed a letter telling the building management to deal with those people. Now I have to write down all the times they've disturbed us since they moved in. Like I remember that crap. I've called the cops on them twice, every one is complaining, boot them out!! Simple as that. Since they've been warned by building management, I've not heard a peep out of that apartment. However, they do leave their crap in the hallway all the time still.
We're Leaving!!
On April 30th, Andrew delivered a letter to building management stating we were giving our 60 day notice. They actually had to ask why we were leaving. I can hear Andrew's sarcastic I-can't-believe-you're-that-stupid tone of voice replying to them. He told them that we wanted to live somewhere better. I can't believe they had to ask!!! Anyways, here's a copy of the notice letter we gave them.

It's almost unbelievable. They received our letter and acknowledge a notice of termination that my neighbor never sent. Then they back-dated ours. This place seriously has the poorest management around. I wonder what they can get right.
There is more of course, I doubt it will ever end. I'll post more about it later though because I have to find the next letter we were sent. I think it's at work because I had to phone them about it.
We've been approved for our new place and moving day is June 30th. It can't come soon enough.
I'm really glad I found this blog. I can't believe this place is still in business with all the crap they put you through. Osgoode sounds like a Slum Lord operation. Places like that should be put out of business. I'm going to pass this on to some friends. No way you'll ever see me rent from these people. Thanks for the warning!
That's outrageous. Thanks so much for the warning. I will NEVER rent from any of their properties, and I assure you, I will tell my friends about them, as well.
What a mess you have there. I'll never rent from this company either.
Osgoode? Should be Oh-so-bad. Sorry I've had that running through my head since I stumbled across your blog. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, but I think it's great you are blogging your experiences so hopefully someone else won't have to.
*crosses Osgoode from possible rental list.
I can't believe that had the NERVE to say to you "We hope you enjoyed your stay here". Man ... talk about NOT personalizing their letters! They KNOW you haven't enjoyed your time. You've lost PROPERTY for crying out loud! Honestly ... I can't believe they are still in business. Isn't there any place you can report them to?
As bad as this situation is, be assured that there are FAR FAR worse.
Take one particular landlord who has rented apartments that the city condemned and wouldn't give the applicants their deposit back. Who will not turn on the heat. Who would not give keys for the mail box. Whose storage lockers wouldn't keep a 5 year old kiddie out of. Whose laundry room washers and dryers were smashed. Who replaced the water heater with a 2 gallon tank, so you couldn't have a bath. Who couldn't keep the heating system operational so there was no heat on the coldest days of winter.
When you meet the man, he seems pleasant enough. Tells you all the right things "Vandals broke in and destroyed the laundry room - I'm getting it fixed" There was evidence that he was working on things in the building. The trouble was that he didn't have a clue how to fix things.
He threatened to sue after taking him to the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Granted, your loss was their fault, there are avenues for you to take as a tenant and an individual.
As to the issue of your neighbour, it is not an easy process to evict a tenant, especially if there isn't enough documented evidence. It requires a lot of time and effort to bring a claim with the LTB and within a 2 week window, they can appeal and keep the landlord hanging for months awaiting a meeting with the LTB.
While I have sympathy, understand that there's more to this than meets the eye.
You should visit the landlord and tenant board re your loss.
These people may be able to give you some guidance too ..
Kingston Community Legal Clinic, 345 Bagot Street, Kingston
Was the stuff in the locker not covered by the required tenants insurance?
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